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The Health Seekers' YearBook with The Best of Common Health Sense
& if you are already sold & just want to get it ASAP,

You are here because you have rejected
or because you are in the process of possibly rejecting
your conventional medical doctors' answers for how to get well and stay well.

You may have been searching months or even years
for answers to your health problems.
You may have spent thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars
on medical answers — answers that only left you worse off than ever!
Or — maybe you today exude spectacular health,
ride high with extreme energy, look years younger than your age,
boast of no aches or pains whatsoever, and just want to keep it so!
Whatever way you came to this website today,

You will get off the wrong track entirely when you reject
"The Medical Mentality at Its Very Worst."
You will get on the right track totally when you start searching
for answers in the maze of alternative health care systems.
At this website, however, you are not just "on the right track."
You are on "the best track and the fastest track" to finding answers
that will get you well and then keep you well

In Other Words...

Your Health Adventure Starts HERE & NOW!
AND... because I am in the grateful position of being
"E-Book Blessed" with 1,000 titles and because it is my job to...
...whichever of the 4 EASY PICKIN'S PACKAGES you choose,
you will get much more for your PACKAGE dollars
than you are likely to imagine!
In Other Words...

If you already know you want this book & want to cut to the chase right now,
Saddle up your horses!
We've a trail that The Pioneers have blazed!
Get ready for just about your best adventure ever!
a high-spirited, pure-blooded Arabian. I am Victoria BidWell,
Your Global Health Revolutionist & Supplier of the
Most Expansive Natural Hygiene Contraband
Collection Ever Made Available!
"American Rugged Individualism."
But if you want formal credentials, here they are:
Ed.D. in Natural Hygiene at City University of Los Angeles
Ph.D. in Natural Hygiene at University of Natural Health

Taken after a Rode-Hard & Put-Away-Wet Ride in The Canadian Rockies!
— Year 2002 —
My Dear Friend Cara Yowell asks Health Seekers:
"Now, you tell me!
Does Victoria look like she could ever create a boring book?
Of course not!"
HighJoy & I are here to serve you as...
"The Spurs of The Global Natural Hygiene Revolution!"
See the scope of our plans "To Help The People" at...
We are here to help you make
very, very inspirational, motivational, and fun
that which can all too often feel
very, very depriving, difficult, and dreary...
that is, changing sometimes dearly beloved, energy-robbing habits
into sometimes very new, health-promoting habits!

Health Epigrams Penned in 1926:
"Men and women want grand health!
That is, just so long as it does not
cost too much in personal effort,
does not require too much in private
sacrifice, and does not demand too much
in the relinquishing of too many
(and preferably, not even one) of their
cherished indulgences!"
Seriously, what could be more fun than getting well?
The Health Seeker will get to do all those health-enhancing
activities given up while not paying attention, and he will
stop all those habits that were slowly turning him or her
into The Old Gray Stallion or The Old Gray Mare!

It is my God-given calling to expose the shortcomings of...
"The Medical Mentality at Its Very Worst!"
— and —
It is my 24•7•365 job to offer the beauties of...
"Natural Hygiene at Its Very Best!"
1... THE MEDICAL MENTALITY holds that a person can appear "perfectly healthy" one day and then be mysteriously, inexplicably stricken with a dreaded disease overnight! The words "baffling" and "mysterious" are favored when explaining why the patient is ill and cause is unknown.
2... THE MEDICAL MENTALITY supports a firm belief in "The Germ Theory" to explain the causes of many diseases as originally proposed by Louis Pasteur: disease is caused by microorganisms or viruses foreign to the body, which they invade and use as a host; and the cure of germ-inspired disease is a laboratory-inspired antidote.
3... THE MEDICAL MENTALITY holds that there are 10,000+ known and categorized and named diseases and that each disease has its own cause or causes, known or unknown. Years of scientists' time and billions of Americans' dollars are spent annually, searching for the external, mysterious causes of various diseases and their antidotes.
4... THE MEDICAL MENTALITY looks at "disease" as a warfare process, as an enemy which "invades or attacks the body" and, therefore, as something which can — and must — be stopped: the symptoms must be palliated or suppressed; the body must, in some way, be "treated" with some sort of doctor-prescribed drug, treatment or therapy, or surgery to make the patient get well.
5... THE MEDICAL MENTALITY teaches you that illness is to be expected as the years advance since germs are everywhere and since disease is an expected, wear-and-tear part of the aging process. Doctors hopelessly and coldheartedly state: "You will just have to learn to live with it!" ("it" meaning "the pain and degeneration") if standard medical treatment cannot get you well.
6... THE MEDICAL MENTALITY is not interested in promoting dietary nutrition as an integral part of getting well or staying well, although it may make minor concessions such as recommending a reduction in dietary salt or the adoption of a weight-loss program. The prevailing, pessimistic attitude among doctors, however, is that even if there were something to this "dietary nutrition," people would not change their eating habits, anyway. At its worst, The Medical Mentality holds no faith in the human being to change: A sense of hopelessness in the minds of doctors and patients alike prevails.
7... THE MEDICAL MENTALITY looks at the practice of fasting to be synonymous with starvation; and fasting is, therefore, viewed as a form of dangerous extremism.
8... THE MEDICAL MENTALITY refuses to acknowledge the evidence that any of the many alternative health care systems have any validity, whatsoever. It does this in the face of vast amounts of ever-increasing evidence and carefully kept records and astoundingly successful case histories. Any improvement on the part of individuals under alternative health care systems is attributed to chance or to "spontaneous remission" or to other causes; or the improvement is branded as "dangerous in the long run," regardless of how much the person has improved.
9... THE MEDICAL MENTALITY encourages both a belief in and a dependence upon the medical/pharmaceutical complex as the final authority on all health questions and as the only real source of knowledge and power that leads to individual health. Conformity to Establishment Thinking and The Medical Mentality are systematically and relentlessly conditioned and brainwashed into the minds of The People, from birth unto death, through both subtle cues and by means of open intimidation by those in power. These tactics have all the trappings of a cult.
10... Under THE MEDICAL MENTALITY, the patient subjects himself or herself and loved ones to continued medical treatment, disregarding the all-too-often reality: they only get worse as the medical treatment continues. Furthermore, because the patient has been successfully indoctrinated by The Medical-cult Mentality, they have no hope and no desire to search for a workable, alternative health care system and no impetus whatsoever to learn how to take personal responsibility for their health.
1... NATURAL HYGIENE holds that health is the normal state of all living organisms and that health is maintained through natural, self-initiating, self-healing processes!
2... NATURAL HYGIENE holds that the one cause of all disease is the toxic saturation at the cellular level of the bodily tissues, blood stream, and fluids brought on by the depletion of Nerve Energy reserves through toxic living habits. This self-poisoned state is termed: "Toxemia" or "Auto-Intoxication" or "Toxicosis."
3... NATURAL HYGIENE views disease as orderly, backward degenerations at the cellular level and fluid levels as a result of Toxemia. In order to prevent these retrograde changes and to forestall degenerative changes in the actual structure and consequent function of cells, tissues, organs, and systems for as long as possible, the body isolates and/or eliminates abnormal accumulations of metabolic waste and ingested poisons. Such bodily-conducted actions of elimination (also called "excretion") may be called "disease" (acute); but these actions actually serve to prevent further, degenerative, long-term, and irreversible changes (chronic).
4... Excluding genetic factors and because Toxemia is "The One Cause of All Disease," NATURAL HYGIENE refutes the concept that microorganisms — also called "germs" or "viruses" — are the sole, causative factors of disease in virtually all cases where these microorganisms are present in diseased tissues.
5... Because only the body is capable of instituting the eliminating, cleansing, healing, renewing processes, NATURAL HYGIENE rejects the ingestion of any substances which the body cannot metabolize and assimilate and which cannot be used in the normal, metabolic processes for appropriation into bodily tissues and fluids. Such unnatural substances can only further poison and then further enervate the body and are not to be considered as "food" or "nutrition," in any way. Both medication and "quasi-food" substances typical of the refined, chemicalized, processed Standard American Diet (SAD) are included in this poisoning category and are not only health-threatening, but also life-threatening.
6... NATURAL HYGIENE recommends the following as "The Ideal Diet" and, therefore, as the only foods fit for the highest level of human health and well-being: whole, fresh, uncooked, and dehydrated fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, and sprouts, all to be prepared in proper combination and eaten in moderation and when one is in a state of Emotional Balance. Non-toxic supplements are recommended to offset our depleted soils situation and the added environmental and social stresses of our troubled times. Dr. Vetrano and Drs. Tosca and Greg Haag and I recommend only USANA.
7... NATURAL HYGIENE advocates fasting on water-only for virtually all Health Seekers who want to get well and when no contraindications for fasting on water-only exist. Fasting provides physical, physiological, sensory, mental, and emotional rest. This deep and almost total rest provides the body with the ideal conditions that are necessary for the regeneration of Nerve Energy and that are mandatory for the elimination of toxins, cellular repairs, balancing of body chemistry, and fullest restoration of health possible.
8... NATURAL HYGIENE maintains that health is the personal responsibility of each individual and that God-given health, happiness, and Hygiene Joy are achieved only by the most conscientious and daily application of The 10 Energy Enhancers!
"The Superlative, Alternative
Health Care System!"
Natural Hygiene Shows You...
#1: How to Remove The Causes of Disease,
#2: How to Provide The Conditions for Health,
#3: All — without Drug & Doctor Dependency
& with Self-Responsibility!
Pioneers called these 10 points...
"The Conditions for Health."
I call them... "The 10 Energy Enhancers."
If you have been searching for the ring of keys
to unlock the gates to the greenest pastures
of Superlative Health, let me tell you:
"The ring is Natural Hygiene.
The keys are The 10 Energy Enhancers."
What Did I Do to Get Sick & Then Sicker?
- Uncleanliness — Inside & Out
- Impure Air
- Impure Water
- Inadequate Rest & Sleep
- The Standard American Diet of cooked, processed, condimented, chemicalized, spiced, sugared, fatty & junky foods
- Wrong Temperatures
- Unnatural Light & Lack of Sunshine
- Lack of Regular Exercise
Emotional UnBalance, which includes:
Addictions, Low Self-esteem,
A Purposeless Life & Meaningless Goals - Toxic Relationships
- Cleanliness — Inside & Out
- Pure Air
- Pure Water
- Adequate Rest & Sleep
- The Ideal Diet of Sun-Ripened Live-Foods: Fruits & Veggies, Nuts & Seeds & Sprouts
- Right Temperatures
- Natural Light & Sun Baths
- Regular Exercise
Emotional Balance, which includes:
Freedom from Addictions, High Self-esteem, a Purposeful Life & Meaningful Goals - Nurturing Relationships
She Ain't What She Used to Be...
Many Long Years Ago!"
What % of your energy remains with you today that you had at the highlight of the very best days of your life? Is the % so low that it greatly concerns you?
Realistically, do you think it possible to recapture much of the lost energy of your youth? That is, do you have any belief or hope you could even get re-energized, re-invigorated, re-cycled? Or are you thinking: "The best is over. It's all just downhill from here on in."?
Is your sleep troubled and fitful? Are you a full-blown insomniac? Are your dreams so disturbing it is like going to horror movies all night long? Do you dread going to bed?
Do you get out of bed in the morning — with a BOUNCE? Is your life so rich with beloved people to nurture, wonderful animals big or small to caretake, challenges to meet, projects to complete, visions to make manifest, and fun to be had — that you are absolutely chomping at the bit, hot to trot, to go... go... go... as your day begins?
Does your mind get sharper and quicker with each passing year?
Can you still take a stand for yourself and outwit the bad guys and be a force for good whenever you need to?
Do you still have what it takes to spend the energy and put in a few punches for whatever you believe in throughout your day?
Do you have 1 or more mild and/or full-blown addictions going in your daily life? If deep into addiction, have you analyzed what void you are trying to fill with these time-consuming, energy-draining, obsessive and compulsive pursuits?
Are you stabilized at a good weight? Or are you slowly gaining over the years? Do you go up and down? Or are you getting scary skinny?
Are you strong? Can you lift what you need to when you need to? Can you move with pleasant flexibility? Do you get winded easily? When was the last time you worked up a sustained sweat for your aerobic fitness? Did some stretching exercises for flexibility? Did some resistance training for your strength?
Are you good and confused by all the conflicting information out there about what to eat and about how to go about getting well?
Do you resent paying for doctors and their answers while you only get worse on their advice, prescriptions, surgeries, and treatments?
How many medications are you on? Are they helping you feel better — or do you suspect that you are slowly poisoning yourself with these medications into even more disease and possibly even an early death?
Are you spending so much money on worthless, dangerous, or obviously ineffective, conventional medical treatments/doctors that the expenses are breaking your spirit and your bank account?
Have you been searching for very long for the very best way to get well and stay well? Has your searching been leading to dead ends?
Are you presently so tired and so disinclined to even move about, with so little zest for life, that you are beginning to suspect you harbor a subconscious death wish about to be fulfilled?
Are the things of this Earth beginning to grow strangely dim?
Once at "Our Homestead Page," CLICK ON...
Our Very Best

I got my 1st horse when I was 6 years old. Before I became a Christian at age 35, I was a pantheist. That is, I found happiness in animals and all nature around me. ("Pan" = "all" or "everything.") My horse in "all" ways kept me in touch with "all" of nature as we traveled "all" the roads, highways, fields, woods, and beaches in "all" kinds of weather and through "all" the seasons! Once I became a Christian, my horse instead kept me in touch with my Creator and His creations! NOW? My favorite pastime is just... PRAISING THE LORD ON HIGH! Each ride is now a back-to-nature adventure to praise my Creator and thank Him for my calling to help Health Seekers! That being said, let me ask you a very serious question — one that will make all the difference in your getting well and staying well:

Surely, your answer would be along the lines of:

The best synonym for the word "best" is "superlative." There are at least 200+ alternative health care systems out there making "YOU CAN GET WELL & STAY WELL!" promises, if you count everything from Acupuncture to Zone Therapy, along with every diet that has ever come down the pike. Only one, however, can be called "THE BEST!" — "THE SUPERLATIVE!" Like my picking the very best, God-given horse from the corral, I have dedicated my last 28 years to teaching the very best, God-given get well and stay well system of them all, the one firmly grounded in The Natural, Physiological Laws of Life and encoded into our very DNA... "The Superlative, Alternative Health Care System." It is called "Natural Hygiene."
summary of those 65 pages.
Once at "Our Homestead Page," CLICK ON...
"Our Very Best Foundational Bedrock Teachings."
The sum total of what you are about to learn in these gift 65 pages will rock the very foundations of your 75,000,000,000,000 cells that make up your body, mind, and spirit! For there, in the best little book introduction to Natural Hygiene ever put into print, edited by the top doctor alive today, there you will find an overview of the info found in 2 BOOKS IN 1 — info that you need to reclaim the hope you need to muster up the courage you need to... "TRY AGAIN!" ONLY THIS TIME, YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO GO IT ALONE! This time, you will have "The Superlative, Alternative Health Care System." It will give you the best and fastest way to revitalize your nervous system... that will inspire this chain of natural, physiological events: Your body gains the energy it needs to detoxify its cells... which simultaneously inspires balancing of body chemistry along with repair of cells and tissues and systems... that results in a reversal of retrograde, unhealthy changes we have come to know as "disease"... which turns your getting tired-&-sick situation around... which stops your Descent into Disease... which allows you to ascend into health if your disease had been acute and into improved to near-complete health if your disease had been chronic. Either way, you are not just getting worse and worse and growing more and more demoralized and less and less hopeful. You are getting well! And that, Dear Health Seeker, will bring the bluebird of happiness to sit on your shoulder and sing to you — every day!

Preview of Your Hygienized Life!
By Dr. Herbert M. Shelton
When one adopts Natural Hygiene, one lives in a new world!
The transition from the old world to the new is immediate.
All nature becomes more beautiful and glorious!
Duties that were irksome become easy to perform.
We breathe purer atmosphere. New purposes animate us.
The change in our character is equally as great.
We see in every tree and shrub and in every blade of grass
a beauty of which we before had not been conscious!
A spirit of love and goodwill permeates our lives!
We develop a gentleness and kindness that are new to us.
We have the strength to perform whatever we choose
with cheerfulness and delight.
Troubles, anxieties, and cares dissipate.
For we know that our welfare is secure and on a firm basis.

You are probably a very busy person!
If you have read enough & are ready to order your
2 BOOKS IN 1: The Health Seekers' YearBook
with The Best of Common Health Sense,
Who Knows How to Come Off Her High Horse
& Communicate with The Rest of Us!"

for 2 BOOKS IN 1 & Natural Hygiene Contraband 4 The Global Health Seeker!

Edited by Dr. Vetrano & Published by GetWell*StayWell, America!
TOO-MANY PEOPLE are TOO-SICK and TOO-TIRED of the TOO-MANY POOR RESULTS, the TOO-OFTEN UNGODLY SUFFERING, and the TOO-FREQUENT and TOO-UNCONSCIONABLE COSTS that are TOO-INHERENT in today's TOO-CONVENTIONAL MEDICAL SYSTEM! In total sympathy with Thomas Paine's 1776 sentiments, these are once again... "the times that try men's — and women's — souls." Over here in America, 1 out of 2 are so tried, that they seek alternatives to Establishment Medical Thinking, lest they, too, unwittingly join "The Suffering Class of America." Alternatives to The Medical Mentality abound in the worldwide marketplace, promising to cure The Sick and Suffering. But in these trying times, only Natural Hygiene offers Health Seekers... "The Superlative, Alternative Health Care System." Here is a system based on "The Natural, Physiological Laws of Life" — on how the body works in health to preserve itself and in disease to restore itself. Here is "The Message & The Promise of Natural Hygiene" — that if we will learn to co-operate with our GOD-given bodies in their natural design, we may each claim and live out our Highest Health Potential! Here is Common Health Sense — to teach us Health Seekers exactly how it is claimed:
(These "Causes" are The 10 Energy Robbers.)
Secondly — WE provide The Conditions for Health.
(These "Conditions" are The 10 Energy Enhancers.)

DR. V. HAT-danced At her 50th class reunion!
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DR. V. danced with Hygiene Euphoria!

with The Best of Common Health Sense
The ONLY PLACE you can get 2 BOOKS IN 1
is from GetWell*StayWell, America!


— mangos, avocados, celery, fresh figs & lettuce —
#9 — The Year in Live-Food Menus, where they are served the following:
- 52 WEEKS OF WHOLE & LIVE-FOOD MENUS for Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner ...without any repetition... whatsoever!
- ALL IDEAL FOODS... no toxic foods... whatsoever!
- ALL LIVE-FOODS... no cooked foods... whatsoever!
- ALL PROPERLY COMBINED... no misbehavin' whatsoever!
- ALL AMOUNTS SPECIFIED... no generalities whatsoever!
- ALL SEASONAL FOODS FEATURED... all the variety imaginable for all 4 seasons!
- 365 DAYS OF RAW-FOOD/LIVE-FOOD MENUS... that were once served at various Natural Hygiene retreats &/or that have been scrutinized by Dr. V. V. Vetrano who approved all menus daily at Dr. Shelton's Health School & her own for 50+ years!

Banana-&-Pineapple Almond Ice Cream with Raspberry Syrup

freeze-dried banana chips & 3 flavors of berry dust!

JUST KIDDING! Here are 2 flavors of VERY YUMMY live-food soups
served with Tango Juice (tangerine juice & mango) in fancy glasses
& Natural Hygiene-correct pesto with live-food, dehydrated crackers!
- 25 LIVE-FRUIT MAIN DISHES to give to 2 - 4 diners
- 25 LIVE VEGGIE MAIN DISHES to give to 2 - 4 diners
- 48 Live-Food Recipes for Salad Dressings, Dips, Relishes, Sauces
- 25 Classic Recipes that make up D. Nelson's Little Book: Food Combining Made Easy
- 26 Recipes for The Revolution!
- LIVE-FOOD, IDEAL-FOOD HOLIDAY MENUS TO SERVE — 10 CELEBRANTS! (Holiday menus do not repeat!)
- 7-course menus for Thanksgiving, Christmas & New Year's: beverage, appetizer, soup, veggie main dish, veggie side dish, fruit salad & dessert
- 4-course menus for Easter, Mother's Day, Father's Day & The 4th of July: a beverage, an appetizer, a main dish & a dessert
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showcases our Thanksgiving Day feast!
— then...
In BOOK 2: The Best of Common Health Sense, I have included
Dr. Vetrano's lengthy "Genuine Fruitarianism" dissertation with my editing:
We answer this question in detail and once and for all!
It is the best answer to this question ever put into print!
A clue to the answer is in the subtitle to "Genuine Fruitarianism":
The answer: The very same place all vegetarians & carnivores alike
get their protein – FROM THE PLANT KINGDOM!

His horse sense tells him not to worry about where he gets his protein!
"I Am Just Too Busy and Too Broke to Adopt The Natural Hygiene Lifestyle!"
We need to get serious, get educated, get focused, and get ready to self-correct when we are thrown off. We just need to tighten up our cinches and do more of The 10 Energy Enhancers more consistently, day and night. The beauty of doing Natural Hygiene – even imperfectly, at first – is that we will reap benefits in mind, body, and spirit – almost immediately – sometimes within hours and certainly within days and weeks, and definitely within months! These improvements are little blessings along The Hygiene HighJoy Trail! And they inspire us to become self-motivated! Hope springs eternal with every new day as we repair, restore, and rejuvenate! SELF-COMPELLING MOTIVATION! IT'S A BEAUTIFUL THING!
Another beauty is that, once we have paid for our water distillers or pure water by the gallon, only 1 of The 10 Energy Enhancers costs us any money at all – that is for the food itself! (And since it is unlikely that any of us are breath-a-tarians, we would be buying food, anyway, no matter what the diet!) Doing all 10 of The Energy Enhancers – even imperfectly, at first, – will save us Health Seekers thousands of dollars a year! 2 BOOKS IN 1 makes the raw-food/live-food program especially simple to shop for, quick to prepare, snappy to clean up, yummy to eat, fun to do, and money-saving to pursue! TO REPEAT: You will find menus for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for all 365 days of the year and hundreds of recipes – without repetition – and recipe formulas that will never, ever, ever leave you at a loss in the kitchen or leave your taste buds unsatisfied and disappointed and looking for SAD (Standard American Diet) thrills or comforts! "TOO BUSY?" Your preparation time for whole food meals and simple recipes will take just minutes. You will be left with time on your hands eating this way! "TOO BROKE?" Compared to meat and junk food costs, you will be eating so inexpensively from the produce sections and fruit stands! And so many of your bills will go down, especially medical bills and money formerly spent on cheap thrills. For there is no richer thrill than that of getting well and staying well. MORE TIME + $$$ SAVED = FUN! FUN! FUN!

Ready in minutes!
Our resident armadillo is guzzling OJ & Cashew Dressing while
his turtle friend is working on a celery tree top!

We send Our Best Guests off with lots of grub at Our Hygiene Homestead!

He got off decades of 8 medications & got a complete tune-up while she stayed home
& turned herself into a raw-food artist!
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But for new Live-Food Enthusiasts, it is really hard to grasp that
Holly's Uncheese Cake is made just from our live-foods
and has no cheese at all!
CLICK ON... "Our Guests' Best Stories."
CLICK ON... "Our 40 Fun & Fancy Live-Food Fotos" – both at www.naturecurerawfoodhealthretreat.com.
2 BOOKS IN 1 Fixes It So That You Can Proclaim:
"THIS IS IT! I Found It! I Can Stop Searching!
I Can Stop Buying More Books! I Can Stop Trying More Programs!"

Most Health Seekers want our great, big book –
just for the 1,000+ menus with no repetition & for the recipe chapters!
But you get sooooo much more in
2 BOOKS IN 1: The Health Seekers' YearBook
with The Best of Common Health Sense!
What's Next?
for The Health Seekers' YearBook
from The Promoters & Practitioners in 1990!
In 1990, Texan T. C. Fry promptly added The Health Seekers' YearBook to his curriculum at The Life Science Institute in Austin, Texas. It became part of his 106-lessoned Ph.D. degree. Today, 6,000 students worldwide have taken T. C.'s "Big Course." T. C. repeats Victoria's claim:
and Nothing but The Hygienic Truth!"

the essence of my $1,500
Life Science Health System
for the ridiculously
low price of a mere... $50?"

The Health Seekers' YearBook!
"Today, I consider Victoria BidWell to be the very best writer/editor/teacher in the Natural Hygiene movement today. So begin with The Health Seekers' YearBook with The Best of Common Health Sense and follow up with The Live Food Factor."
from The Very Biggest Names
in Natural Hygiene, Back in the Day!
Natural Hygiene, throughout is history, has attracted and inspired unique and special individuals to rise to the very summit of human performance. Most certainly, Victoria BidWell is one of those unique and special individuals who has burst upon The Natural Hygiene Scene with unprecedented performance! Miss BidWell's determination to show all the wisdom of Natural Hygiene across The Land at the grassroots level remains unmatched. The lady and teacher not only displays an indomitable spirit of conviction, but also, an untiring determination to mobilize all her creative energies into innovative tools which carry "The Message of Natural Hygiene." The Natural Hygiene (Health Seekers') YearBook and The GetWell*GrassRoots Victory Wagon are just two of her many ideas to get "The Message of Natural Hygiene" out to the public in her special approach! Endorsed by... Dr. David Scott, Director of Scott's Natural Health Institute, Strongsville, Ohio.
The Health Seekers' YearBook
With The Best of Common Health Sense
2: The Fastest Way to Start Your Own Health Revolution
3: More on Energy Enhancer #8 • Regular Exercise
4: More on Energy Enhancers #9 & #10 •
Emotional Balance & Nurturing Relationships
5: More on Energy Enhancer #5 • The Ideal Diet
6: The Ideal Diet VS. The Standard American Diet
7: How to Reach Your Revolutionist's Ideal Weight
8: The Victory Kitchen
9: The Year in Live-Food Menus
10: Recipes for The Revolution!
11: The Year in Live-Food Holiday Menus
12: The Health Seeker's Heritage
13: The Year in "Ideal Food for Thought"
14: A Common Sense SourceBook for Health Revolutionists

from my Health Seekers' BeverageBook manuscript! YUMMY!
Nutty and Chipper, our resident squirrels, guard
our Beverage Tasting Party here set up for 4 of us humans!
& for "Dr. Vetrano's 3-page Foreword" to
BOOK 1 – The Health Seekers' YearBook,

These 132 Pages of Crucial Teachings Added in 2005:
- "The Star-Spangled Banner"
- The Message and The Promise of Natural Hygiene
- Thomas Paine: Our Common Health Sense Inspiration!
- Dr. Vetrano Welcomes You to Common Health Sense in The '76 Spirit!
- THE BOTTOM LINES for Hygienic Menstruation & Hygienic Menopause
- The Great American Health Revolution Is ALIVE & WELL!
- "The 10 Energy Enhancers" & "The 10 Energy Robbers" – An Important Qualification
- "The 22 Essentials of Health" Formulated by T. C. Fry
- Dr. Shelton & Victoria Define "NATURAL HYGIENE" as "The Superlative, Alternative Health Care System!"
- You'd Better Turn Yourself Around & Get While The Gettin's Good!"
- More on Energy Enhancer #1 – Cleanliness via The Correct Natural Hygiene Fast
- "I GOTWELL BY FASTING!" – 5 Stories
- Don't Become One of The Degenerate Norm!
- Questions on Energy Enhancer #1 – Cleanliness via The Correct Natural Hygiene Fast
- Energy Enhancers #4 – Adequate Rest & Sleep: Are They The Missing Energy Enhancers in Your Life?
- Energy Enhancers #4 – Full Recovery from Chronic Fatigue!
- The Highway from Hell VS. The Hygiene Joy Way!
- Energy Enhancer #8 – Regular Exercise
- More on Energy Enhancer #8 – Regular Exercise from The U.S. Surgeon General
- Energy Enhancer #5 – Genuine Fruitarianism: Eat Your Veggies, Nuts & Seeds, Too!
- Energy Enhancer #5 – How to Enjoy "Eating Sensationally!"
- Energy Enhancer #5: Let Us Eat Only When There Is... "Genuine Hunger!"
- Energy Enhancer #5: Natural Hygiene VS. Vegetarianism & Raw Foodism
- Energy Enhancer #5: Mother-&-Child Questions-&-Answers on The Hygienic Diet
- Satan's Counterfeit Foods VS. God's Garden of Eden Foods
- "A Health Revolution Is Needed!" & "Health for The Millions!"
- More "Health Nuts" Join Our GetWell*StayWell, America! Crusade!
- Dr. Shelton's "THANK YOU!" to John Wayne
- "THE MIGHTY WORK AHEAD!" by Dr. Shelton
- GOD... Is Blessing You Right NOW!
from The 1990 Practitioners & Promoters.
— NOW —
from The 1990 People!
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Wallace D. Wattles once explained what I call
"The God-given Serendipity" of how a book we need so much at the precise time
we need it just happens to drop into our laps:
"If there is a particular book you need to read
at a certain time in your life,
it will be placed into your hands at the right time."
This is just another way of putting that '60's serendipity saying:
"When the student is ready to learn, the teacher will appear."
Or it is just another way of Hollywood's FIELD OF DREAMS sychronicity telling us:
"If you build it, they will come."
But I am most moved by Thoreau's serendipitous 1860 warning to The People
— that it is their civil responsibility to disobey corrupt institutions:
"A book, not which affords us a cowering enjoyment,
but in which each thought is unusual and daring — such as an idle person cannot read — and by which a timid person would not be entertained — a book which even makes us dangerous to existing [corrupt] institutions...
that is what I call a good book!"
But best of all, I believe the Scriptures:
"Seek and ye shall find."
— and —
"Knock and the door shall open unto you."
— and —
"Ask and ye shall receive."
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Your Global Natural Hygiene Health Revolutionist has ridden in
on High & is waiting at your own homestead's cyberspace gate!
Why Is 2 BOOKS IN 1:
The Health Seekers' YearBook with The Best of Common Health Sense So Very Important? It is THE VERY BEST handbook on THE VERY BEST of all the alternative health care systems, created by THE VERY BEST Natural Hygiene Teacher, edited by THE VERY BEST Natural Hygiene Doctor, with THE VERY BEST year in menus! It will show you how to save thousands of $$$ a year! It will show you THE VERY BEST & THE VERY FASTEST ROUTE to reinvigorate, detoxify, repair & rejuvenate your body, mind & spirit! |
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But the Very, Very Best
Reason of All, as You Get Well?

Age 83 — & — Age 60
"The Real Deal Natural Hygienists!"
Backing Victoria Up
In Correct Natural Hygiene Teachings
— July • 2010 —

Leader of The Natural Hygiene Movement from 1930 On
Dr. Shelton was Dubbed "The Sand Burr of The Rio Grand"
because his irritating teachings got under the saddles
of The Disease Industrialists and hurt like hell!
NOW, The Wilderness Woman & HighJoy ride forward as
"The Spurs of The World Wide Web Health Revolution"
via health4thebillions.org to inspire Health Seekers
on to reach their Highest Health Potentials!
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1994 | 1999 | 2002 |
Just because she is settled into a mountain river valley of tiny (population 900) Concrete, Washington, does not mean that she is inaccessible! You can contact her personally via the web, over the phone, by snail-mail, and through e-mail.
In Victoria, most too-up-tight, too-straight-laced people see a-bit-too-playful of a child who has been a-bit-too-free of the box a-bit-too-long and who revels in nature a-bit-too-much with a love of just being alive a-bit-too-great! Their skeptical judgments can only label her "a-bit-too-wild!" To me... she is the breath of fresh and invigorating mountain air that Natural Hygiene has long needed! I believe Victoria is right when she says: "It is wildly important to make your life FUN! FUN! FUN!" Thinking happy thoughts and finding pleasure in even the most trivial of daily activities support a body-brain chemistry that engenders the hope and the courage needed to make adventurous changes in our lives so much easier and more long-lasting than playing it safe-&-same while losing energy and taking that dreaded Descent into Disease. So hang on — for the rides of your life! And get Victoria's 2 BOOKS IN 1: The Health Seekers' Yearbook with The Best of Common Health Sense — for the health adventures of your life! Ever since it came into print in 1990, we 3 Texas Doctors used this book as the main teaching text at our retreats.

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by purchasing 1 of our 4 EASY PICKIN'S PACKAGES,
You Also... Join Up with Our 3 Texas Doctors:

Texans Dr. Vivian Virginia Vetrano, Dr. Tosca Haag & Dr. Greg Haag!
of how USANA supplements could improve your situation!
That I have put out several times a year for 28 years!

with Our Health 4 The Billions Friends!

month with a brief description & the "Table of Contents" for each!
gift teachings, news in the live-food & Natural Hygiene arenas, properly prepared
live-food recipes & prep secrets, fun & fancy live-food fotos, "Our Guests' Best Stories"
from Our Hygiene Homestead in The Woods, Questions & Answers,
me & The HighJoy Horse —
doing our best to make for you the live-foodplan...
But I can practically give away certain hard-copy overstocked titles from
my shelves and plenty of rare e-books from my cyberspace saddlebags!
The 4 EASY PICKIN'S PACKAGES below are based on my overstocks.
Handling & Shipping must be added to PACKAGE prices.
(The little I make to pay my bills depends on you covering the H&S!)
Handling costs include all expenses in preparing hard-cover book PACKAGES & in sending the e-books.
Your PACKAGES will come to your doorstep via the USA Post Office & to your computer via Cyberspace!
Shipping outside USA is in flat-rate Priority Mail boxes.
Shipping within USA is by Media Mail in my boxes.
(But Shipping within USA by Priority Mail may be requested at additional cost.)

from GetWell*StayWell, America!
This guarantee is easy to make! I have had only 7 Health Seekers in 24,000 books sent out since 1990 want their money back for either edition of The Health Seekers' YearBook!
100% No Questions Asked Guarantee.
If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, I will refund your order within 30 days of its return — no questions asked!
The photographs and information at this website are all © copyrighted by GetWell*StayWell, America! No part of this may be copied or changed in any format; nor can it be used for resale or in any other way under any other circumstances without contacting me on the telephone for permission to do so.
Disclaimer: The testimonies and information presented herein is not meant to replace medical care, but are for educational purposes only. Not all results are guaranteed. Results will vary with Health Seekers depending on many variables, primary of which are how far they have descended into disease and how willing they are to follow The 10 Energy Enhancers conscientiously and strictly over an extended period of time.